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Macro Strategy

Views 72KApr 23, 2024

Course Introduction

Macro strategy is for investors to optimize the allocation of major assets such as stocks, bonds, foreign exchange, commodities, etc. based on the grasp of macroeconomic cycle trends. Ordinary investors may lack an understanding of economic data and macro events. sensitivity, thus missing many investment opportunities.

To help everyone gain an efficient insight into market changes, we have developed a [Macro Strategy] course to explain macroeconomic data and events every week and help everyone understand investment opportunities.

Update time: every Monday

Learning Benefits: Learning benefits: This course belongs to the exclusive course series. You can join the official "Exclusive Service Group" to get professional answers in real-time and communicate and share with outstanding friends.

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Recommended trial chapters

  • img-0 Hong Kong Stock Market Ends Largest One-Week Gain in Over a Decade (0429-0503)
  • img-1 Gold prices are on the rise again! Are there still configuration values now? (0513-0517)

Disclaimer: The above content does not constitute any act of financial product marketing, investment offer, or financial advice. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products based on their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisors where necessary.
